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The original was posted on /r/horror by /u/SoggyGummyWorms on 2024-09-22 04:55:04+00:00.

All I can say is…holy shit, that was actually pretty damn good. I am a huge fan of movies like the Underworld franchise and Blade, and this had the exact same feeling to it that those movies did. Except instead of daywalkers, vampires and lycans it was angels and demons.

Every single character was likable for me in this. There was not a single one I did not like. Not to mention, it had one of the best portrayals of hell that I have ever seen.

Movie had a great track too. I had to pause during the movie when John Constantine walked into Midnight’s club and went to go find the track. “A Perfect Circle - Passive”.

I feel like I’ve committed a sin by not watching this earlier in my life. I remember seeing ads for it when it first came out but never had any interest to go and watch it.

What did you guys think of it? I am 100% going to rewatch this again.