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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Odd_League_1728 on 2024-09-22 21:36:06+00:00.

So, this happened earlier today, and I’m still dying of embarrassment. I work in an office where we use a messaging app for communication (you know, typical corporate stuff). I’ve always been super careful with who I’m messaging, but today I managed to make the mother of all mistakes.

I have a friend who also works in the same company, and we’ve been passing the time by sending each other funny GIFs throughout the day to keep our spirits up. You know the ones — ridiculous, sometimes a little inappropriate, but all in good fun.

Anyway, I was in the middle of a boring workday when I came across the perfect GIF for my friend. It was this clip of a cat slapping another cat while the words “Shut the F*** Up” flashed across the screen. A little aggressive, but hilarious in context (we’d just been talking about how annoying someone in the office was being).

I clicked on the GIF, hit send, and immediately continued with my work like nothing had happened. A few minutes later, I saw a notification pop up. My stomach dropped. It wasn’t my friend who replied. It was my BOSS.

Turns out, I didn’t send the cat slap GIF to my friend. I sent it to my boss. And not just any boss—the boss. The CEO of the company. The guy who literally signs my paycheck.

Cue full-on panic mode.

I quickly opened the message thread and there it was: the aggressive cat slap GIF, sent directly to the CEO with absolutely zero context. No “Hey, sorry, wrong message!” or “This was meant for someone else!” Just a GIF of a cat telling the CEO to shut the f*** up. I was horrified.

My immediate instinct was to try and fix it. I started typing out an apology, but then stopped. What the hell do I even say?!

“Uh, sorry for telling you to shut up with a violent cat, Mr. CEO? I was trying to send that to a friend who was venting about their lunch break?”

I panicked, deleted the draft, and left it on read. My brain was screaming, and I had no idea how to handle this situation. So, I did what any rational person would do—I turned off my computer and pretended it didn’t happen.

Fast forward to about an hour later, and I’m still sweating bullets, checking my phone every five seconds to see if I’ve been fired via email. Then, suddenly, a reply notification comes through. Heart pounding, I open it.

And this is what I see:

“Aggressive, but I like it. Let’s keep the meetings short today.”

My jaw hit the floor. Not only did he not fire me, but he actually responded with…a joke? Was this real life? I don’t know if I’m in the clear yet, but at least for now, I still have a job.

Moral of the story: Always check who you’re sending GIFs to. Or better yet, maybe don’t send your boss a cat slap meme at all.

TL;DR: Tried to send a funny GIF to a friend but accidentally sent it to my boss, nearly lost my job and my dignity.