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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Odd_Highlight3174 on 2024-09-26 22:06:47+00:00.

For background, I took a pregnancy test because I’ve been feeling funny and it was positive. I already have a 12 year old daughter and 8 year old son so this is going to be my third kid.

Since I work from home, I was home alone all day with my husband going to work and my kids going to school. During a morning work meeting, I felt like throwing up and just nauseous in general. This has been going on for a few days now so I took a few tests and I learned I’m pregnant. I was going to tell my husband as soon as he got home but my kids come home before him so I planned to keep it a secret from them until I’m ready to tell them.

A few hours after I took the test, my son came home then my daughter did an hour later. She went to my bathroom to borrow my moisturizer and she found my pregnancy test right on the counter. She ran downstairs holding the test and quickly asking me if it’s true. My son overheard the whole thing and wanted my answer so bad. I told them it was true and my daughter started looking very stressed. She told me it was because she didn’t want to look after a baby. I really get her because I had a sibling 13 years younger than me that me and my siblings spent most of our time looking after.

I hugged both of them and told them it was going to me okay. I really didn’t want my kids to find out before my husband came home, but it happened anyway.

TL;DR: My kids found out I’m pregnant from me leaving my test on the counter and they’re worried about it now. Me and my husband are happy about this ourselves and have assured our kids that it’ll be alright