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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Expensive_Roof_7557 on 2024-09-27 05:09:12+00:00.

I’ve been lurking this sub for a year or so just out of curiosity

Last week my daughter texts me “mom, someone tried making fraudulent withdrawals from my high yield savings account!”. I immediately knew it was a scam because of similar stories on this sub. She had already given them her password. She said they sounded so convincing. They knew her username, bank info, address. I told her to call her bank immediately! She said she did call the bank, the number they gave her. Oof. She then called the bank number from the banks legitimate website. Nothing had been transferred out luckily. She was able to put a hold on her account and change her password.

She feels dumb. I had warned her of this type of scam before. I told her she’s not dumb, just naïve. I told her to get on this subreddit and search for bank scams.

Here is what happened so others can be aware

She got a text from a Hawaii number(we live on the east coast). It said that there were fraudulent withdrawal attempts and to call them. When she spoke to them they seemed concerned and were assuring her they were trying to protect her account. They had her name, telephone, address, and balance amount (that’s what made her think it was legitimate). They then asked her for her password. She should have done a full stop then, but she was scared. Her entire life savings are in that account. Then she texted me.

Thank you r/scams for exposing these rotten scammers. Her quick action calling the bank avoided her losing thousands of dollars.