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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Whatswrongbaby9 on 2024-09-27 20:47:16+00:00.

God this one was annoying. Received three calls back to back to back from an unknown number, declined the first two (was at work), on the third I answered and was pretty pissed off because I hate when people do this.

So I answer: What!?

Guy: This is officer blah blah with (redacted) county courts looking for Mr. xxxxxx

Me: That’s me, what?!

Guy: I’m calling because you had a jury summons sent to (over a decade old address in a different county), and you didn’t show, so now there is a bench warrant for your arrest

Me: That’s pretty funny because I don’t live in (county), haven’t lived there in a long time, haven’t registered to vote there in a long time, and also I have no idea why an officer would be calling me from a blocked number

Guy: Our outbound system sometimes blocks numbers, look I’m not here to go back and forth with you, you were summoned and didn’t show, so do you want to settle this or am I going to need to dispatch officers?

Me: It’s pretty funny you’d dispatch officers since you don’t even know where I live

Guy: Well do you live at (more recent but still not correct address)?

Me: Nope, sure don’t

Guy: Well how do you want to handle this?

Me: Sounds like it’s your problem to handle, if you’re gonna send officers please do, again they’d be going to not where I live.

Hung up. No officers arrived.