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The original was posted on /r/edmonton by /u/liberatedhusks on 2024-09-28 17:51:49+00:00.

I know. Boo. But I have no one else to talk to.

This morning I was on my way to whyte ave. The bus driver let on 6 people who couldn’t pay. Which, fine what ever. Except 2 were so coked out of their minds they couldn’t even talk(their pupils were scary) and were hiding items they stole from Safeway. And the other two are the reason for this story.

Screamy stab guy and Tux gun guy. Screamy stab guy started to scream the second he sat down, about how he hated women and how it was his right to hurt and stab them. Loudly. Tux guy(he was only wearing a tux top and mens underwear) screamed back that there were women on the bus and to shut up. Screamy stab guy got up and screamed in his face and left the bus. Tux guy got off a stop later and that’s when I saw the gun in his undies. He saw me looking and laughed and said it was fake but no it wasn’t.

Thing is I’ve seen/heard screamy stab guy along whyte Ave before. He screams aggressive things at people. I know bus drivers have no protection against people but letting a guy with a gun on? Or not even asking the dude screaming on your bus to get off?