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The original was posted on /r/guildwars2 by /u/Aurelio23 on 2024-09-28 20:06:13+00:00.

I’m coming back from a decently long break, so it feels like all of these options are kind of falling out of the sky, so I’d love to ask y’all: how the many new weapon options have changed up what you play? Personally, I play exclusively in OW, and my two most played characters are my Guardian and Necromancer; I was a bit disappointed in pistols for the former and swords for the latter, but I’ve been loving spears for both DH and Reaper.

Have you just slotted a new weapon into whatever you were playing? Changed to a new specialization on your main, or even started playing and loving a profession that you’d never tried before? Or maybe you’ve been overall disappointed and have stuck to your mainstays? I’d love to hear from all of you!