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The original was posted on /r/permaculture by /u/EstroJen on 2024-10-29 18:28:13+00:00.

Hey y’all, inactive mod, but dirt lover EstroJen here.

I am new and pretty inexperienced, so I enjoy seeing what others have done. One of the best things about permaculture is having miraculous things occur in your world. What is your favorite? What the very best thing that ever happened regarding your activities? I’ll start: hummingbirds

I may not have the perfectly right flowers, but the ones I have (lions mane and a native trumpet flower) have brought in so many gorgeous little anna’s hummingbirds. When they zoom by your head, they sound like a lightsaber.

Share pictures, share stories, share recipes of the things you have made from produce, flowers, trees, plants, anything.