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The original was posted on /r/factorio by /u/OrchidAlloy on 2024-11-03 18:15:47+00:00.

The DLC is wonderful. I just finished the cryogenic research, which is very near the end. Every planet adds entirely new mechanics, with new puzzles to solve. The interplanetary logistics are also remarkable.

That being said, I found it much more challenging than the base game. My Fulgora base is a mess, I felt like quitting during Gleba, I’ve reloaded the save a dozen or so times since I first built my Aquilo spaceship (it kept exploding even if it worked fine for a while), and Aquilo itself is mentally taxing (I can see why they removed the enemies there).

I have 1000 hours in the base game, and I’ve completed the Space Exploration mod in the past, which is very niche, very slow, and often difficult. Now, I know I’m far from the best player in this subreddit, I’ve never made a megabase for example. But since I felt challenged by the DLC, I’m wondering if other players are having trouble with it.