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The original was posted on /r/citiesskylines by /u/CartoonistConsistent on 2024-11-03 09:48:36+00:00.
So probably everyone already knows it apart from me but on the off chance there are others like me, here goes.
Have a good city with, for once, a very good and sensible traffic setup but I was eventually being killed, especially in downtown, by endless reams of traffic just circling forever looking for parking spaces. So I could have draped my map in endless parade of parking spaces like a modern day American dystopia but instead in a fit of frustration I removed all parking. All parking lots, all street parking and… Traffic is gone. Cims drive in when new houses are built then they seemingly abandon their cars and live off my ample public transport and footpaths, it’s bliss!! Just remove parking options and traffic ceases to be an issue (it also puts your income through the roof through public transport usage.)
The amusing thing with this is if I zone in a new area and forgot to pause, so I have a section of on street parking, it’s like a frenzy of ants. Almost the entire city of medium and high density residential and from the highway comes an instant and insane horde of traffic. Within a few minutes my entire city is gridlocked as they circled the new area like vultures, it’s insane. You remove the parking then after circling for a while, they’re gone. It’s got me tempted to try an out of city mega parking death solution with a train/subway connection into my main city as with the games broken parking CIMS will park the other side of the map, as long as they can park their bloody car.
So yeah, if you don’t want traffic issues remove parking. Proves that parking in the game is still just a mess.