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The original was posted on /r/foundryvtt by /u/AzulaThorne on 2024-11-05 12:39:05+00:00.

Hey fellow DMs and players!

I’ve been starting my newest campaign with my group of six and so far our first session is a blast of a success! I have previously done DnD with Warhammer Fantasy and previously a campaign on another VTT.

Previously with Warhammer, I just had to search for WHFB4E to get mod results that worked for that specific campaign.

But with DnD5e, I find it a bit harder to search for them. Mostly since I’m not sure what I would be looking for. In some cases I got a mod that allowed players to use the languages they know! Which is great because now some of them can actively use them in text.

But I’m wondering what other DMs get mod wise that helps them or their players. I appreciate any help and comments! Enjoy your dungeons!