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The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/varthe on 2024-11-17 23:38:07+00:00.

For the Overseerr users here - just sharing an app I made that might make it a lot smarter:

Redirecterr runs each request through a set of filters and determines where to send it. You can filter based on any media information available in Overseerr, including the requester’s username or email. It also supports routing requests to multiple *arr instances simultaneously. It works similarly to Petio’s filters, just without the GUI.

Examples of what you can do with the filters:

  • Send anime to sonarr_anime, and everything else to sonarr.
  • Send kids movies to radarr_kids, anime movies to radarr_anime, and the rest to radarr.
  • Direct requests made by specific users to radarr_remux, while sending others to both radarr and radarr4k.
  • Send Hindi shows to sonarr_hindi, and everything else to sonarr.

…and much more! You can filter based on any field provided in the request from Overseerr (see testData.js in the repo for examples).

Hope someone finds it useful!