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The original was posted on /r/ziplyfiber by /u/jwvo on 2024-11-19 19:27:45+00:00.
I thought it would be good if we make a couple of storm related comments since a large wind-event is on the horizon.
For fiber service, if you can supply power to the equipment in your home (ONT and router) typically internet will remain working as we have extensive backup power at our POP locations and lots of fiber routes in our backbone.
For actual fiber cuts we generally are required to work “behind” power crews as they make the situations safe then we come in to restore. This takes time but we will keep folks updated here.
We have some new monitoring tools this season which help us identify why we lost customer ONTs (IE if they lose power or if they lost signal without losing power first), we are hoping this helps us faster identify damage.
We expect this to be particularly hard-hitting for our southern oregon costal customers, we have lots of routes into that area but the predicted wind speeds are quite high (ECMWF model was predicting almost 70 MPH) so there may be a lot of work to do in the town for power company restoration. We have fueled all of our COs in this area and all generators are in working order.
Please feel free to post here if there are questions, I will try to answer them.