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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/Peaches_offtrail on 2024-11-25 17:13:55+00:00.

Edit2: I no longer believe that all the platy filters I’ve been buying have a manufacturer defect. I think platypus’s integrity test guide is not adequately suited for testing filters out of the box. Due to a few skeptical comments added to this post, I have now run way, way more water through the filter than the mfg integrity test indicates is necessary for conducting the test (you probably need about 5+ gallons of water to run through a new filter before you will get reliable results). The first 2-3 gallons of water through would also allow air to be passed through very easily. Probably around gallon 4 or so, the stream of air bubbles for the integrity test significantly shut off. By 5 gallons, I was not seeing any air bubbles through the filter when performing an integrity test.

tl;dr: Integrity test procedure is unreliable. Run several gallons of water (~20L) through your platy before trusting integrity test results.

Obsolete information preserved for posterity:

My old, reliable Platypus QuickDraw finally bit the dust, so I decided to grab a new one from REI.

I’ve now returned 4 to REI, and am returning another one to amazon. All 5 of these newly purchased filters have all failed the integrity test out of the box. Folks often say, “Well, then buy a sawyer,” but I think it’s equally likely that Sawyers often fail out of the box too, and folks have no way to test/evaluate.

Video of most recent, new filter failing the integrity test.

edit1: because folks didn’t think I was performing the test correctly: Filming a complete integrity test video --> imgur limits to 1 minute video, so I cropped the initial full bag fill.

Just expressing frustration with this and wondering if anyone else has been having these issues recently. I’ve heard of some problems over time, but purchasing filters from 2 different retailers and having the same problem is concerning. I think platy should be instituting a recall to deal with all the defective filters they’ve likely sold to people that have never run the integrity tests themselves.