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The original was posted on /r/games by /u/malliabu on 2024-11-27 14:57:56+00:00.
Game Information
Game Title: Loco Motive
- PC (Nov 21, 2024)
- Nintendo Switch (Nov 21, 2024)
Developer: Robust Games
Publisher: Chucklefish
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 73 average - 80% recommended - 10 reviews
Critic Reviews
Eurogamer - Katharine Castle - 3 / 5
Beautifully animated, wonderfully voiced and witty to boot, Loco Motive ticks a lot of right boxes for point and click likers. If only its underlying mystery wasn’t quite so sidelined and predictable.
GameLuster - Kate Mitchell Jewett - 9 / 10
Loco Motive is a worthy successor to the classic point-and-click pixel adventures, featuring a twisty mystery and a cast of memorable, hilarious characters.
Gameliner - Claudia Tjia - Dutch - 4 / 5
Loco Motive delivers a delightful blend of humor, mystery, and classic point-and-click adventure in a charming 1930s train setting, with strong dialogue, vibrant characters, and playful puzzles, though occasional illogical challenges and technical bugs may derail the experience for some. - Kalina Mikova - Mind-blown
I’ve been waiting for Loco Motive for quite some time, and I was not disappointed at all. It’s a great game, a welcomed return to classic adventure games, and hopefully, a first in a series.
Nindie Spotlight - Justin Nation - 8.9 / 10
Old-school adventure fans should be thrilled with a newcomer that has witty writing, some great gags, and looks great
Nintendo Life - Kate Gray - 8 / 10
Loco Motive combines wit, charm, smarts, and its own brand of pixel art perfection to provide a point-and-click murder mystery that’s well worthy of its predecessors. The game’s state at launch is a little too marred by bugs for an unqualified recommendation on Switch, but give it time and we think it’ll be right back on track.
Oyungezer Online - Eser Güven - Turkish - 8 / 10
Loco Motive is one of the best options if you want to play a funny, sweet, old-school point and click adventure game full of charming characters.
RageQuit.GR - Giorgos Dempegiotis - 89%
Loco Motive is a game that all fans of point ‘n’ click adventures should play. It’s satisfying in length, has sharp writing, memorable characters, an impeccable pixel-art approach and is a worthy challenge for your adventure reflexes.
TheGamer - Tessa Kaur - 3.5 / 5
These are things that can, and I expect will, be fixed in time, but the sometimes dodgy logic of Loco Motive’s puzzles is here to stay. Still, the game’s excellent acting, memorable characters, and compelling visual style make the game very worth your time, and if you’re used to the groan-inducing logic of point-and-click games of yore, Loco Motive won’t be any more frustrating than anything you’ve already played.
Try Hard Guides - Erik Hodges - 10 / 10
With its beautiful pixel art, great humor, and outstanding voice acting, Loco Motive is a captivating blend of next-gen and yesteryear, taking everything we love about classic point-and-click adventures and giving it a fresh, modern spin.