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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/Fartknocketh on 2024-11-27 23:01:33+00:00.
I could use some advice. I only get out 6-8 times a year, mostly on 1-2 night trips, with the annual ‘big trip’ being 4-5 nights. I’m also 44 years old, and my knees aren’t amazing.
I use as much UL gear as I can afford because of my age and to help save my knees, not because I’m a through hiker. I’ve used the Big Agnes Tiger Wall UL2 for years (2lbs 14oz with footprint and stakes), and I’m at a crossroads where I’m considering a DCF tent to shave 22 or so ounces off that.
My question is - how does DCF age in storage? I know a rule of thumb for a DCF shelter is ‘one through hike’ which for me is most of my lifetime. But will it shrink in between my trips, especially in shoulder season when I go less often?
Another point to consider - I’m out west, so not too concerned about condensation, mainly weight and storm worthiness.
Thanks in advance!