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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/I-Own-A-Voice on 2024-12-03 22:16:54+00:00.
The warp cruiser burst into space at the edge of the Drizzk solar system. Immediately there were blares of weapons arming, and target locks. That soon passed as the scans which followed soon after concluded. A high priority message quickly popped up on screen, as the Drizzk realized who exactly had burst into their space.
The message was accepted, and a video feed was established. If Drizzk could blush then the room filled with them would be flush with red. Every eye on the feed was directed onto Kyle’s heavily armed and armored form.
“We congratulate you on your success against our eternal enemy. And we welcome you to our humble star system!” The head Drizzk general stated.
Kyle accepted their gratitude from beneath his armored skeletal form, and they were granted not being blown up by simply moving their ship privileges. They made their way through the system, weapons never leaving their lock on their ship the whole time. Just cause they were happy to see Kyle, didn’t mean they weren’t still their old warlike selves.
The ship made it’s way into geosynchronous orbit around the main Drizzk planet. A party of ships entered escort orbits around their ship, and a small lander docked with their airlock. A party of extremely large Drizzk grunts boarded their ship and bowed before Kyle as he made his entrance. He had uploaded Drizzk etiquette to his suit’s subsystems and taking a cue from it’s programming, simply ignored the grunts. He rudely (politely, in Drizzk culture) barged his way past them and entered the lander, where he took a seat upon the captain’s own chair. The grunts entered the ship, assumed defensive positions around Kyle, and the ship began to enter the planet’s atmosphere.
You could see the celebrations from low orbit, well not actually, but it was extremely apparent that the entire planet had been undergoing a festival for the last week already. The destruction of a lifetime of enemy forces was a reason to celebrate, and the defense of the planet and solar system was left to the lowest of the grunts, and highest of command for a time.
The lander, outfitted in the royal colors of the Drizzk, touched down on the landing pad built specifically for victors time immemorial. There was a lot of unused architecture on the planet, steeped heavily in tradition. They were a society that expected victory, needed it. This whole month would be set aside as a month of victorious celebration, at least until their next war campaign wiped the board and required their energy for war.
Kyle stood at the head of a Drizzk contingent, the doors hissed open as the pressure differential between atmosphere and artificial atmosphere met. Kyle, in his suit, was unaffected by this. Similarly the Drizzk were built different, and simply stood in formation. The cry of victory was enough to deafen a normal unmodified human. Kyle on the other hand had technology on his side, and his helmet automatically silenced the noise.
He stepped forward, atmospheric thrusters lifting him off of the ground. A purely decorative set of lasers ionized the air in a winglike fan, and purely non decorative tesla generators blasted the ion pathways with electricity. The electricity snaked out along the electrically conductive pathway burned into the air, forming a stunning arc of electricity that looked like a grand godlike wing with a beating heart of electrical fire. As though the Drizzk population had been holding back this entire time, a new wave of eardrum bursting noise cascaded through the air, the electricity flowing through the air vibrating with the raw sonic energy pulsating through the air.
This demonstration was a little over the top of what had been recommended by the Drizzk diplomats, who had directed what Kyle should do, and how he should be perceived. He had shot down their excited recommendations that he blast another hole in their moon in celebration, at the firm direction of Medusa. Instead he had gone into the Drizzk national archives and stolen the image of a religious god emperor of centuries past. Well, the idea anyway. There was no way they had access to electrical wings and man portable flight back then. Kyle broke off of his main Drizzk honor guard and blasted a circle around the densely packed crowd of Drizzk civilians. Not like exploded a circle into the crowd, though he was sure they were deranged enough to enjoy being slaughtered by a figure of legend. No he flew around, making sure to have his wings pointed upwards in order to avoid frying random insect people.
All of this was extremely effective, and a great deal of fun. And very, very clearly visible. A dark figure watched Kyle as he flew about, a sword made of clear ice shimmering in the cursed light. It was a necessity though, her mission was far too critical to allow some light to cause her to falter. She already knew where Kyle was going to be, this was her time to scout his capabilities, and weaknesses. A glance from a random Drizzk civilian, more easily distracted than the usual member of their society, moved across her position. She leaned back into the gargoyle she was perched on and channeled her sword’s clear ice around her, making her invisible to the eye. She hated being seen, more than she hated failing missions. This was her chance to make it somewhere, to get answers. She wouldn’t fuck this up.
Kyle finally landed on the platform that he was supposed to have walked to, turned down his electrical output, and accepted the formal combat by sword that a great warrior was to be met with. He just let sword take care of that though, every swing at his vitals repelled by a floating glowing blade within Kyle’s control. This clearly frustrated the Drizzk warrior, he was after all their best and this fuckwit wouldn’t even lay a hand on the sword that repelled all of his attacks. It was humiliating, which in itself was exhilarating, you didn’t become the best by believing yourself to be unstoppable. It was a fight that would go down in legends, a glorious battle with an honorable loss on his part, he was sure. It was the greatest battle of his life, and he would hold the memory in a place of honor for the remainder of his life. Kyle yawned.
After pointing his electrical laser at the Drizzk, flourishing his blade, and zapping him hard enough to make him take a knee, the battle was concluded. Now all that remained was… days worth of combat, speeches, and meaningless formality. Sure he was gonna get to name and own a grand swath of land laden with grand structures, treasure, and servants. But there was a lot of formality to living on a Drizzk world, and Kyle would honestly rather be out in space somewhere than have to live his life according to the strict regimen of the Drizzk.
Eventually the sun went down, and Kyle was allowed a short interval of rest and recuperation.
In the morning his quarters were empty. His armor sat at attention, open and awaiting it’s operator. But nobody was there to fulfill it’s purpose. Medusa walked in, fully expecting some shenanigans on Kyle’s part. Perhaps a gadget of some destructive ability being worked on, tools strewn about the place as Kyle tuned his suit’s carburetor or something. Medusa knew that that it didn’t have one, nothing did these days, but it was a great way to get under Kyle’s skin. But when she entered the room there was nothing out of place, no tools on the floor, no Kyle in his bed. Hell, it looked like it hadn’t even been touched.
Medusa stepped out of the room and confirmed with the guards that Kyle hadn’t left. The windows didn’t open, and were four inches thick. There was no way in or out that didn’t go through the guards, and yet, no Kyle. She pulled out her Agency tablet and pinged Kyle’s identifier, and the tablet beeped right away. It claimed that Kyle was in the room, and following it’s crude compass led her to a patch of red goo on the floor. The thought crossed her mind that it was his blood, but that wasn’t what it was at all. No, it was the nanites that Kyle had been injected with that allowed him Agency clearance.
Medusa stood there for a second, her thoughts racing in a clear ordered fashion, before she tapped a mental button to connect her to Agency HQ.
“Kyle is missing.” She said simply.
The line switched, THE BOSS’s voice coming into her head.
“The fuck do you mean Kyle is missing.” THE BOSS questioned.
“I mean, somebody came in, extracted the nanite goo. Which, to my knowledge isn’t possible outside of an Agency lab. And took him. The guards didn’t see shit either.
There were a couple of reasons for this assumption. One, if Kyle was out there somewhere he’d be bombarded with Drizzk wanting to make “polite conversation” with Kyle. Aka combat central wherever he was. And according to the scopes they had on the planet, wasn’t happening anywhere. Two, he wouldn’t dare go out without the armor, because it was cool as hell, and because Kyle would be limp meat without it’s protection. And three, because Sword was laying on the floor looking very inert. No floating shenanigans, no telepathic shit-talking, just a piece of metal laying on the floor looking sharp.
Medusa picked up the sword and banged it against the bed frame. Noth…
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