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The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/freitrrr on 2024-12-11 15:39:15+00:00.


I’m building zero-monitor, a lightweight and portable server monitor which aims to provide self-hosters a quick way to overview their servers and continuously monitor them. It’s currently in beta (active development), and I’m looking for testers to provide me feedback on any bugs that might exist.

The core product of zero-monitor is the network page: here is where you can track your servers system statistics, like uptime, cpu, ram and disk usage, Rx and Tx. Additionally, there are other commands at your favor such as displaying all active network connections, system packages, measuring internet connectivity with speed-tests and even managing processes (view/kill).

The tool is built with Go, and was designed to support low end devices with limited ram and CPU. It requires as little as 15MB to run and is very easy to start with.

If you want to help testing the tool, you can start by following the get started section on GitHub:

Alternatively you can poke around with this version I’m running on my NGINX reverse proxy server!

PS: This tool is inspired by , zabbix and prometheus.