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The original was posted on /r/citypop by /u/UsuallyTheException on 2024-12-19 03:43:07+00:00.

What are your thoughts on this?

A recent “what is this song?” thread posted here had me scrambling to find a song that sounded like something I might have heard from an artist I might have known…

and it was all based on a few second clip that was captured at an inconvenient moment.

It wasn’t until I heard a playlist from the channel it was linked to, and I REALLY listened, searched several lyrics, and followed the progressions of the tracks did I realize that it was all AI generated.

in a few seconds, people can run real artists’ voices and real songs through software and come out with hundreds of half finished songs with full modulation and post production tweaks and feed it to community after community.

It’s fascinating, but it’s also terrifying.