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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/hiddenp4nts on 2024-12-18 06:51:42+00:00.

Hey all, been struggling to find a reliable, lightweight glove system for backpacking in sub-freezing temperatures.

I’ve been using my BD Guide ski gloves a couple times now and apart from being heavy, I’m having some issues with them eventually freezing overnight if they get wet, and not having the dexterity to do camp tasks, so I end up taking them off, which makes things worse.

Open to suggestions of either a glove/shell system or anything that people have had success with for this.


Edit: Since people are asking for more info, I typically hike with spikes/snowshoes with trekking poles in the PNW. Temp-wise I’m usually in around 10-25 degrees F