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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/skipearth on 2024-12-19 17:56:18+00:00.

I am retired federal law enforcement and have connections in many places and agencies. That being said I had a a few run ins with colleagues and people I know through working for the feds etc. The first was an FBI agent who is also retired and worked in Counter Surveillance and they told me:

"There is definitely something going on, they will not tell me but a coworker in the NY field office said “these are not hobbiests and planes”.

The second contact was a couple who both work for the FAA and they said:

“Many pilots are reporting seeing large drones from aircraft and the FAA knows this as its all recorded and documented. We do not know any information except that it is happening”

This infuriates me because r/avaiation thinks its all fake and blocks my posts. I am also verifed in LEO sub and such so I am not lying and I can verify here if needed.