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The original was posted on /r/geocaching by /u/VickyMirrorBlade on 2024-12-18 21:57:22+00:00.
There’s a cacher who attends events in my area who always takes random (and often unflattering) candid photos of people at events and posts them all in her logs, on Facebook, etc. I know of at least one cacher who explicitly told her that they don’t like to have photos posted of them online for privacy reasons and she still posted multiple candid photos of her where she is the main subject during a recent event.
Personally, I think if you show up to an event then there’s always the possibility you might end up in in the background of a photo and if you have to be ok with that, however, someone secretly taking photos with specific people being the focus at events without permission just rubs me the wrong way. There’s another cacher who also is known for taking photos of people at events, but she always approaches them and makes sure they’re ok with it and they normally turn out being great photos as well because she’s a talented photographer.
Curious to hear what people’s thoughts are on this and if anyone has experienced something similar and how to deal with it.