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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/SheScreamsMyName on 2024-12-21 07:23:36+00:00.

ULA just dropped their first fully new pack in almost 10 years. Frameless, claimed 40L overall, 32L internal volume, 19-22oz, sewn-in hipbelt, upper deck pockets, hybrid J/S shoulder straps, can fit a BV500 vertically, $280 and $230 usd in UltraX and Ultragrid respectively.

Seems sized to compete with the MLD Prophet/Durston Wapta/HMG Contour/GG G4-20 class, with perhaps more of a focus towards on-trail trips due to copious strechmesh pocketry and looking especially rectangular in the main body.

Competitively priced when compared to the Prophet (which is perhaps the most direct comparison since the Wapta/Contour’s hipbelts are modular and they use a different fabric).

Thoughts on it’s position in the market? Anyone excited about it? Is it just an option from ULA in this increasingly popular pack class that doesn’t do anything meaningfully better than other options on the market?