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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/CMengel90 on 2024-12-23 05:48:18+00:00.
(Spoiler Free)
Full disclosure: I’ve not read the book. I am a pretty serious reader, but I’ve never had One Hundred Years of Solitude high enough on my TBR to actually read it. I’ve always known it as a classic, but always got hung up on reviews describing it as hard to follow.
The series tho… my goodness. This was the exact kind of show I’ve been needing probably since Haunting of Hill House. Taking a classic and giving it a super cinematic adaption is something I’m willing to get behind 100%, and I didn’t realize it until watching One Hundred Years of Solitude.
The story - wildly engaging. I didn’t have a hard time following, but I can see how all the family nuances, similar names, etc. could make it hard to follow for some in the book. That being said, it’s going to be my next read.
The characters - I love when I ended up disliking characters I once rooted for and end up rooting for characters I used to hate. Maybe coming in blind helped this… but there was so much depth to these characters that you really felt everything they were feeling. The good, the bad, all of it. Not to mention the actors knocked it out of the park. Phenomenal cast.
The cinematography - my favorite takeaway from this series. There were multiple times I paused or rewatched something just to sit in awe of some shots. Flawless lighting, blocking, set design, etc. I loved it all and will soon be going down the rabbit hole of the cinematographer’s past works.
Sounds like season 2 is already in the works, which is a miracle given that it’s on Netflix.
If you haven’t watched it yet (or read it), I highly recommend it. My pitch for it would be: “If Encanto and Tombstone had a baby, and that baby was given a multigenerational epic, it would be One Hundred Years of Solitude.”
(My only reason for not giving it a straight 10/10 is because there was some pretty messed up stuff that I’m still processing and questioning 😂 but that’s more of a me problem, and another reason I’ll be reading the book.)