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The original was posted on /r/wowservers by /u/BroxiChlng92 on 2024-12-20 16:36:41+00:00.
Yesterday, I finally finished my Vanilla Iron Man Challenge. It has been a journey of many failures throughout many years, playing in the late evenings after work, getting my kids to sleep, and other chores.
The rules I played with are the same as they were back in 2016 when I first attempted this challenge:
no deaths
white/grey gear only + no enchants
no external buffs (self-buffing is okay only via spells, not okay via food buffs, etc.)
no talents
no professions
no elixirs/potions/flasks
no party play/dungeons
first aid and mounts are okay
Adding some statistics:
Total time played: 8 years, 6 months and 22 days
Number of previously failed attempts with Hunter: 26 (yes, I am a noob, also played on PvP servers, so I got killed by other players many times)
/played at my last attempt: 6 days, 1 hour, 52 minutes and 24 seconds
The first attempt was initiated on 2nd June 2016 on a well-known and established Vanilla private server (Project Kronos).
I completed the challenge on 19th December 2024.
In future, I plan to finish all other classes under the same rule set (already having a Paladin at level 34 and a Rogue, Warlock and Priest at level 30).
I really enjoy solo-playing WoW. It is my favourite thing to do, and this challenge is imho bringing some extra difficulty and uniqueness to the levelling journey.
Merry Christmas to all!