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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/Shudrum on 2024-12-23 20:39:53+00:00.

Hello there!

I’ve played a quite good amount of time, and used quite always neversink before doing my own filter for PoE 1. Now, for PoE 2, I decided to redo my filter but in a better way and propose it to the community.

The principle is that my filter is not written by hand, but generated by a configurable script allowing to easily customize things :

  • Waystones display is specific for each areaLevel, hidding waytones lower than a specific amount of levels and showing equal or greater ones.

  • Gold display is bigger and bigger depending of a minimum amount to a ceiling amount.

  • I will also configure the gem drop depending of the area level, maybe later on item levels, etc.

  • There is three configured levels : standard, intermediate and expert.

  • Later on, I really hope to be able to automatise some configuration with a nightly build.

Download, contribute and get more information & the roadmap on the GitHub repository here !


I’m not the best PoE 2 gamer. I really need your feebacks, ideas, configuration tweaking, issues, etc.

Do not hesitate or contribute on the repository, comment here or anything.

Also do not hesitate to star it to support me!

I really hope you will love it! And will try to update it super frequently … well, with a two day break for christmas ^^

Thank you for reading me! And have fun!

You can also follow the updates on the Path of Exile forum :

Have fun!