This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TimTheGrim55 on 2024-12-24 10:00:50+00:00.
So I don’t have much time on hand during daytime usually so whenever I find an interesting post on Reddit I just leave the tab open on my phone to come back to it later. I sometimes do this over the course of days and then come back to a post like 2 weeks later…I do this on multiple subs but what’s odd is that mostly on this one, like 80% of the posts are deleted by the time I come back to them (usually by mods).
And not only like sighting posts that could’ve been debunked in the meantime and therefore deleted but also just ideas and discussions shared.
I am not paranoid and there could be very reasonable explanations but I found that interesting. Anyone got ideas why that is?