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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/amdrunkwatsyerexcuse on 2024-12-24 14:28:02+00:00.
First of all, merry christmas, exiles.
I have 5k hours in PoE1, 200 hours in PoE2. I won’t talk about all the things I like, this is just a list of the problems I feel the game has right now.
edit: despite all the problems I really like the game and give it an 8/10.
Being forced to run bad layouts sucks. Mire, Augury, even Stone Citadel feel very bad. Bad layouts way too common, good layouts too rare. Let us choose a layout from each biome’s map pool.
Let us zoom out way, waaay further, add search function, make unique and citadel maps more common and more visible. Let us set custom markers so we can work on a different side of the atlas without having to search for ages to find the spot again. The more you progress, the worse it gets.
Sometimes there are huge gaps on the atlas with no connections in between maps, forcing you to make huge detours.
Towers are boring.
League mechanics:
Strongboxes are absolutely useless and take forever to do.
High tier essences are too rare.
Expedition crafting feels very, very, very bad.
Delirium mobs pushing you around when spawning feels bad. Splinters too rare, Simulacrum loot too much rng, high lvl oils/distilled emotions too rare, -> most annoints are basically unavailable to 99% of players.
Ritual feels almost impossible on some builds. Body blocking, stun locking, volatiles and tornadoes. Good omens too rare, and if you do get one there’s a good chance you can’t even afford the deferral fee.
Delete Greed Shrine. Or at least make it not convert but just drop more gold.
Breach is basically the only mechanic worth running.
Character power & gear:
The difference between a good build and a bad build feels far higher than in PoE1. Build diversity is very low at the moment. I know it’s EA, but still, I have yet to see a good Chronomancer build.
Skill tree feels empty because too many travel nodes don’t connect to any wheels.
Attributes feel way too punishing to get, basic effect of dex is useless on most builds.
Having a bazillion % ES but barely any % life or mana on tree makes the difference between ES and life stacking far too ridiculous. Grim Feast is just the cherry on top.
Chaos damage still too common, CI op.
Evasion is much easier to get than armour, on my Titan I tried hard and barely got 10k armour, but on my Pathfinder I got 20k evasion basically for free.
Armour is bad and evasion is op. Too few sources for flat pdr, evasion can go acrobatics which is op.
Wind Dancer >>>>>>> Scavenged Plating
Charm slots are too hard to get and mostly useless anyways.
Movement speed is far too rare outside of boots and builds that run unique boots suffer, because most unique boots have 10% ms at most.
Global drop uniques are almost all bad.
Not being able to unsocket runes/soul cores feels really bad.
Delete MF, or at least make rarity not affect currency anymore.
Let us filter for tiered rares.
Some chance bases are too rare. Found one white Stellar amulet to chance in about 80 maps, rarity is counter productive.
Getting only one try for a boss with three or more different one shot mechanics you don’t know anything about feels bad.
Pinnacle boss fights are way too rare, making the one-try mechanic even more punishing.
Basic map bosses are also too rare (in the reveal they said about every fourth map has a boss, but it feels more like every tenth).
Map sustain is bad, taking every sustain node on atlas is mandatory, opportunity cost for taking other nodes is far too high.
Bosses are too easy to one shot. I never thought I’d say this but please reintroduce the dimishing DR at the start of each boss, except campaign bosses.
On death effects are annoying and too inconsistent. Kill mob, wait 5 sec before looting, still get one shot.
Too many shotgunning mobs (porcupine crabs, miners), running +proj maps is suicide, high block or evasion feels mandatory on many builds.
Block mobs are annoying.
Mobs pushing you around like a pinball feels horrible.
Mob damage feels fine for the most part, but imo they should have a bit more life.
Drowning Orbs should not be cast by a white mob. It’s literally a pinnacle boss mechanic, it’s like giving Sirus’ die beam or Shaper slam to a white mob. I’m not necessarily saying delete Drowning Orbs, just that they shouldn’t come from white mobs.
Delete flashbangs, even on 0% bloom it’s awful. Viper Naputatzi (she does it twice), Profane Bloom Shrine.
Endgame feels empty, you either run 200 bad layouts to find citadels or you spend 2 hours setting up towers.
Levelling is too slow, world’s first lvl 99 was after more than 2 weeks. I like lvl 100 being difficult to achieve, but 2+ weeks of 12+ hours a day on one character just for lvl 99 is too much. It may very well be that we won’t see first lvl 100 char before first wipe.
Experimenting feels too punishing. Weapon swap can make you permanently lose points right now (happened to me, very frustrating).
Scarcity of support gems feels weird.
And finally, after playing Titan for a week I can say: melee bad. I hope we don’t have to wait 10 years of bow leagues until melee becomes good.
I know a number of things on this list are bugs or unintended that will of course 100% be fixed, still worth mentioning though.
Despite all the problems the game has right now I’d still give it an 8/10.