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The original was posted on /r/learnjapanese by /u/dontsaltmyfries on 2024-12-24 14:52:05+00:00.
When I was in Japan I bought a magazine with some interviews with female japanese metal bands and I came across a phrase that is giving me much trouble.
So the question asked before is Q: 前作の「Deep Love」からちょっとアグレッシヴなパートも目立っていますが、Li-sa-Xさんとギター・プレイに関して、今回はこういう感じとか、何か話し合うことはあるのですか?
Followed by the answer A: ギター・ソロに関して前半と後半で分けて弾こうかというぐらいで、どんなフレーズを入れようみたいなのは特にないです。
The answer continiues but my question is about this first sentecne of the answer.
So here is my thought process trying to split the sentence up into smaller bits.
ギター・ソロに関して So we’re talking about something relating to (a/the) guitar solo.
前半と後半で分けて弾こうかというぐらいで Now this part gives me trouble
So the guitar solo is divided into a first and a last part… and I think to remember that when you put か after the volitional form of a verb it indicates that a decision is yet to be made… so the decision to devide the guitar solo into a first and last part is yet to be made? Is that right so far
Now what do I do with that というぐらい part. ~という could be the thing (that was mentioned before) and I know くらい、ぐらい to mean like “about”, “to the extend” as in 12歳ぐらいでした。When I was about 12 years old. But I can’t seem to fit that “about” meaning into the sentence here… To the extend of the thing that is dividing the guitar solo into a first and last part that is not decided yet… doesn’t make much sense to me.
Now the second part of the sentence which isn’t easier for me. どんなフレーズを入れようみたいなのは特にないです。
So どんなフレーズ What kind of (musical, I guess) phrase
を入れようみたい Again a part I am struggling with… so 入れよう seems like the volitional form of of 入れる so the intention to input something or “let’s input” and I know みたい to express similarity like in いぬみたい動物 a dog-like animal. But that meaning doesn’t make sense to me here. Similar to the intention of putting in that kind of phrase
なのは特にないです。So なのは makes the before said statement into a known and 特にないです is “is not (sth.) special”
So どんなフレーズを入れようみたいなのは特にないです。 The similarity of the intention of putting in that kind of phrase is not special. ?
So you can probably read from the way I wrote this that I am very confused. So maybe someone can help me untangle my thoughts and explain to me what this sentence means.