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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/IamNobodies on 2024-12-27 19:44:48+00:00.

As per title, the other day I posted a sighting I pulled from twitter, within 20 seconds entire fake conversations had appeared on the thread.

I watched in real time as the bots posted pre-fabricated comments and conversations. There were literally hundreds of comments instantly, with hundreds of upvotes.

Basically the botnets are pushing confusion, they argue over the legitimacy of the sighting, entirely fake engagement and narratives.

I am certain that any legitimate user could do the same and observe the same phenomena. I suspect this is occurring on more than just this forum, but across all social media.

All you need to do is pull a good UFO video from the internet, and post it here, then watch the same thing occur in real-time… if someone wants to prove it though, you could do this with a screen recorder running. I’m not really interested in proving it, but it’d be easy to do so this way.

So, Just letting everyone know, that this drone uap thing is at least in part being amplified for unknown reasons via huge botnets.