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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Steez2 on 2024-12-27 19:58:33+00:00.

This all happened in the span of 3-5 minutes. About 20/30 min ago, a commenter on one of the current ‘hot’ posts in this sub (the one presenting the article about the SETI affiliated guy claiming discovery of extraterrestrial life being imminent) posted a link to a short 2 minutes clip on YouTube , taken from the ISS live feed in space. In the clip I saw the vast openness of space, stars, and then 7/8 objects, well-lit ‘dots’ in the distance. They were zooming across the frame at a speed which immediately ruled out them being far-away satellites. They were moving at a good clip, enough for me to spot and be taken aback and genuinely intrigued. There’s been lotta bullshit lately but this was incredible.

I quickly pocketed my phone to walk about 50 feet away to a coworker who I wanted to show the video to. Maybe 2 minutes had passed between me pocketing my phone and pulling it out again to show someone. In that time, when I came back to the comment and clicked the link, I got a ‘video removed by uploader’ message. When I backed out back into the comments section , the account of the user who posted that 2 min clip was completely deleted. The archived footage from that portion of the live feed is also scrubbed.

What I saw in that clip was unbelievable given the context of what we know about man made objects in space. For the first time in my life I am absolutely disappointed I didn’t screen record it or even think to.

FOLKS. If you see something wild on a gvt live feed of space , SCREEN RECORD immediately. Back the footage up somewhere else, share it with people, post it everywhere … Government agencies can’t be the sole custodians of this type of footage because they will find it and they will remove it. That is all.