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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/mazgill on 2024-12-28 12:02:43+00:00.

Picking up actually good gear, upgrading it with a lucky exalt or chaos slam, farming up for bosses to upgrade your atlas tree further, prompted to farm higher maps to unlock better uncut gem levels…

It all sounds nice on paper, but it is just miserable in reality. I sure do use exalts in my playthrough now, cuz their expected value is so low I don’t mind wasting it on trash gear anyway, but during leveling it was just burning currency for no reason. 99% items found on the ground are bad. Maybe some are usable on day 2 or 3, but after that they are worthless. Fighting Bosses? Yea no, the invitations are so rare they are worth more than anything else I could farm with those extra points.

Perfect jewellers and lvl 20 Skill gems I actually think are well-balanced, if setting up towers for correct mods on your map wasn’t so freaking bad holy shit i’d rather do sextant blocking while ping-ponging elder influence all over again than engage with towers.

I know SSF is optional and was never main mode of poe 1, but in Johnatan’s interviews he talks so much about cool stuff you can do as a player. But it feels like it was last-minute slapped with 0.01% drop rate or weighting to create artificial scarcity.