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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/Bueller-Report on 2024-12-29 22:04:31+00:00.
Right now my Big 3 weighs 9 pounds. I’ve used it for car camping and a couple weekend trips but I’m going on my first 2 week through hike this summer and am considering spending $1400 to upgrade to a 5.75 pound Big 3.
Worth it or keep using what I’ve got?
Current Kit: Durston X-Mid 2 36oz ThermaRest Pad 20oz REI Flash 55 46oz Sierra Design 15F Sleeping Bag 42oz
$1400 Upgrade: Durston X-Mid 1 Pro: $550 16oz ThermaRest Pad 20oz Hyperlite Mountain Gear 40 or 55L $360 30oz Enlightened Equipment Revelation $365 26oz
Thanks for any thoughts on the matter!
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