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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/KiddCaribou on 2025-01-24 22:23:17+00:00.

Date: Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 4:58 PM

Subject: The Market Use of Dark Pools and the adverse effect on Price Discovery"

To: Chair <[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])>, <[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])>, <[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])>, K[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])>

SUBJECT: The Market Use of Dark Pools and the adverse effect on Price Discovery.

To the Honorable SEC Chairman and Sub-Chairman, SEC Secretary and SEC staff

Good afternoon, all,

My name is Kidd Caribou. I do appreciate your time in reviewing this email. I am contacting you to express my concerns regarding “The Market Use of Dark Pools and the adverse effect on Price Discovery”.

It has been known for some time now that a large proportion of stock BUYS are being routed into Dark Pools to prevent proper price discovery. It is also well known that stock SELLS are being routed into the normal LIT market pools. This segregation must end if we are to have a NORMAL, TRUSTWORTHY marketplace.

I point to the action chart below as proof that this type of activity should be DISCOURAGED and made ILLEGAL as “Market Manipulation”:

As you can see, the largest $GME BUY ORDER of the day today, (01/24/2025), was nearly $700,000 and routed to the Dark Pool - thus, inhibiting a price increase. Meanwhile, the largest SELL ORDER of the day (01/24/2025) was passed into the normal LIT market - thus, suppressing and lowering the price of the stock!

This is clearly Market Manipulation of the first order and needs to cease. I, and other investors, look to you for relief of this Market scourge!!

Your acknowledged receipt of this complaint and any remedy you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Regards to all,

KiddCaribou [Not my real name]

Independent Investor and proud Virginia resident