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The original was posted on /r/godot by /u/desesperenzo on 2025-01-27 22:51:23+00:00.

So, I’m make a deckbuilder. I’m learning Godot for almost 2yrs now, and this is the forst attempt to make a game where I feels like I really know what I am doing. I know what every line of code does, how every script interação with each other, and whenever some error cross my way I dont’t take hours or days to solve the problem anymore.

However, sometimes I know I’m not making the thing the optimal way. I could instantiate and free some sprites via code instead of having the changing from visible to not visible? Yes. I could have mor tweens in code and less animation player nodes? Problably. Is there problably a way to write the code if less “if’s”? Surely.

But the thing is: even if the game is working, the performance is pretty decent and I do feel like I’m able to do the thing I want to do, I’m still insecure about not following a tutorial and freestyling my gamedev skills.

I’m going to regret doing things this way? Is this the natural course of learning how to make a game? How was this process for you?