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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/BackgroundStomach916 on 2025-01-27 22:06:21+00:00.
Review – Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery – 6/10 (decent)
Despite appearances, Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery isn’t really a painting game. It’s instead more of a point-and-click visual novel about artists.
The little painting that does happen involves drawing blobs of a certain color on a canvas, which the game then autocompletes. Finding the correct color requires solving puzzles scattered around the protagonist’s apartment. None of these are remotely difficult though. Behind the Frame is an exceedingly easy game that is best viewed as more of a film — an animated film with a gorgeous anime-inspired art style.
This movie comparison works especially well with Behind the Frame’s hour-long runtime. Telling a story is the game’s main focus, leaving little room for anything else.
The narrative succeeds within the confines of Behind the Frame, but it’s not the most unique premise. I correctly predicted the whole story by the game’s second act. Even so, the final chapters still made me emotional due to a strong execution.
Behind the Frame is best played through in one sitting because of the short playtime. It’s also very simple in terms of both gameplay and narrative. This works to the game’s benefit by providing a universally-meaningful experience, but it leaves behind those looking for something more complex.
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Journal Entry:
My New Year’s resolution was to beat all of Epic’s weekly, free games and document it on Reddit until May. Playing this week’s game, Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery, was my way of procrastinating during a stressful evening.
My logic was that Behind the Frame seemed to be some sort of painting game, and painting is a calming activity. I try not to know anything about these games beforehand beyond a cursory glance at the Epic store page. So in typical fashion, I was completely wrong about Beyond the Frame.
Playing through the game in its entirety took me just over an hour. Things started off pretty chill, with my character pouring coffee and cooking breakfast as she prepared her canvas. It definitely helped that the game’s anime-inspired art style made everything look just beautiful.
But as the story progressed, it became more clear that Behind the Frame was attempting to tug at my heartstrings.
I’d say the game did a pretty good job too. It wasn’t a very unique experience, but I appreciated what Behind the Frame was going for and would be lying if I said I wasn’t starting to tear up near the end.
Despite not actually being very calming, I do think Behind the Frame helped me de-stress. There’s something very cleansing about getting into a piece of media and forgetting about your real worries for a bit. As always, if you’d be interested in that, the game is free until Thursday morning.
I don’t imagine next week’s game will provide the same experience as Behind the Frame. Not only does Undying seem to have a darker atmosphere, but it’ll also be the longest game yet. Looks like I have a lot in store!