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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/truth_is_power on 2025-01-30 04:15:43+00:00.
Given 446,800,000 existing GME shares.
RC has 36,847,842
8.24% of all GME shares.
If we estimate DRS numbers at 70m.
376,800,000 total shares
36,847,842 RC
RC has 9.77% of all GME shares.
Let’s do RK…
Results - I estimate 12.15% of all GME shares, including DRS, as a minimum being safe from hedgies.
This means that potentially 9.77% of all gme shares need to be bought (in order to deliver RC’s shares)
That would be a significant reason for a price increase!
36m shares x 27$ = 1,013,684,144.
About a billion dollars worth of volume.
This isn’t a prediction, but just noting that we have a cause-and-effect situation developing.
RK has been silent after hyping us up/providing clues
RC makes a huge move
stock volume is at an all time low.
not saying it’s tomorrow, but, tomorrow is going to be a good day for hodlers…