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The original was posted on /r/functionalprint by /u/keem85 on 2025-01-31 14:59:48+00:00.


I’ve been a guitar player for well over 20 years, it’s been working well because i have 3 working fingers (thumb, index, long). The other two are dead, especially the pinky. So naturally I’ve held off piano, as the pinky would just twitch and snap inwards, prohibiting me from pressing the keys properly.

Thanks to TPU and 3D print, I was now able to make a seperator that works. Not only does the pinky now stay clear of the other working fingers, but I am even able to press keys with it. Over the course of six months I’ve learned to transition to Piano more and more… This is a life-changer for my music life, and really is a functional print in all it’s glory!