This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/rust by /u/RealLordOfWizard on 2025-02-12 10:05:42+00:00.
fakehub a fake git commit history generator
You know those posts where people are like:
“Senior devs barely have any GitHub contributions!”
“Real work doesn’t happen in green squares!”
“If your hiring manager checks your GitHub graph, run!”
Yeah, well… I made a tool for that.
Introducing FakeHub – a fake GitHub contribution history generator 🎉.
Built in Rust 🦀 using libgit2.
⚠ Disclaimer: It’s a joke. But you can still use it. I’m not your mom.
👉 Check it out here: FakeHub on GitHub
⭐ Give it a star if it made you laugh. Or don’t. I already faked my contributions anyway.
#FakeItTillYouMakeIt #DevLife #RustLang #GitHub #FakeHub
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