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The original was posted on /r/rust by /u/saintpetejackboy on 2025-02-13 01:17:18+00:00.
I have a strong background in PHP and “full stack” development and have been cranking out proprietary CRUD for businesses most of my life. Over the decades, Iiked to try all the new shiny frameworks and languages as they came and inevitably went.
In recent years, I started to eschew PHP for Node and Python for particular tasks where I felt PHP was lacking. Somewhere along the way, I started to fidget with Rust occasionally.
Now, Rust is the first tool I find I am reaching for, even over my native language.
Rust just works. Unlike PHP, I don’t have to worry about the performance of extremely complex or cumbersome scripts/tasks. Unlike Python, I don’t have to struggle against the environment and the same kind of package and environment management hellhole that really plagues Node.js.
I don’t know how they do it, but Rust and Cargo are almost flawless. I don’t have deprecated packages conflicts and version overrides everywhere, it just doesn’t even come up.
One thing I learned recently was that I can bundle all of my other files (like css, js) with my binary - just like bundled libraries. Like magic, they just work. I didn’t spend hours (like with Node.js) trying to get my static content to work on the other side of a reverse proxy. Compiled it and it worked the very first time.
Being able to easily target releases and customize my binary to ensure it is truly ‘portable’.
The coup de grace for me was when I set up a project earlier that could remotely obtain the newest version of its own binary and upgrade itself in place, restarting it’s own systemctl in the process. My mind was absolutely blown.
It wasn’t that I could do something that is arguably not that difficult and that you can accomplish in many languages - it was that I was able to do it without much struggle or effort - it just “worked”.
I was inside of an .rs file at one point a few days ago that was a sweaty jumble of JS, css, html and Rust - it gave me a flashback to my sophmore spaghetti soups of PHP, jQuery, etc.; - a massive adventure on the horizon with nothing holding me back.
Every time I mess up, the Rust compiler tells me in explicit and painful details exactly what I messed up and where. I never have “unresolvable” conflicts or requirements.
I still have a lot to learn and am now kicking my self, thinking back on how much time I wasted chasing other languages around looking for exactly what Rust has to offer.
There is a reason Rust keeps getting mentioned as being loved by developers. As a developer, I love Rust.
If you are like I was and are a polyglot looking for a stellar language, it doesn’t get much better than Rust. Do yourself a favor and just try your next little project in Rust. It might not click right away (it took me a few), but there is something really alluring about the development process, syntax, presentation and performance of Rust.
Sorry for waxing so poetic about this language, I am just in a rapture of ecstasy after my last successful build and wanted to try and flag down some passers-by who might be on the fence about jumping fully into Rust.