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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/SillyGirrl on 2025-02-14 10:17:14+00:00.

Ok so, I work in a mental facility for children with autism. I am a teacher there and I love working with special needs. The facility in inpatient so the kids live there which is hard but they are there for treatment .Monday afternoon the higher ups asked me to stay after to work as a staff on the living units after I was done teaching, for an incentive of course. I agreed and moved over to ‘Blue’ unit after school which is the teenage girls unit.

So this young lady, whom we will call M, lives on this unit and she is about the same height and weight as myself. She suffers from some pyschosis on top of autisim and other issue. She kept asking me to play music on my speaker, the same song over and over. Well, I went on a break from the unit and when I came back the other staff ‘S’ said absolutely no music bc M was ‘obsessing’ over the speaker and told S to ‘play my song bitch’. One thing we dont do is reward bad behavior, so giving her music at this point was a no go.

She gets agitated and begins trying to flip a table at which point the other staff S gets into a power struggle with M over the table. M RUNS at S and grabs two fists full of hair and starts attacking my coworker. I try to radio to call for backup and it WONT TRANSMIT. At this point the whole unit is frantic and we finally lure her out into the hallway.

She grabs S by the hair a second time in the unit hall and pulls her down on top of her. I go to help but I cant leave the kids in the unit alone so I quickly ask two of our girls to hold the door open so I can assist S. As we are trying to get Ms hands untangled from S’s hair, M goes in for a bite and I watch staff S practically punch M in the mouth to prevent the bite. I get them separated as the girls on the unit begin to scream that lil T was having a ‘seizure’ (turns out later was a panic attack/attention thing) and S jumps up, runs to the unit door as M is still chasing her. She gets to the door, shoves the angry M away and says ‘I gotta help T, deal with her’ and slams the unit door in Ms face.

When I tell you that this bitch turned toward me ready to kill… i started backing away saying “hey M, I didnt do shit to you…” but she makes a beeline after me. I tried to back away quickly but she got two fistfuls of my hair (practically all of it, and I have thick hair) and starts YANKING ME by my HAIR over and over. I grabbed my own hair close to the scalp and with my still fucked radio knew I had to get help somehow without panicking. So, while this girl was dragging me one direction, I was dragging her by MY HAIR towards another units door for help.

I finally made it to the green unit door and banged on it, afterwards collapsing on the floor. Staff came from everywhere to help and watching the camera footage later you can see me scoot away from her on my ass after they release her from my hair.

First off, I dont get paid enough for this shit. Secondly, I had to take the girls off Blue unit bc of the med emergency and go to the gym. Tell me why… after they calmed this girl down, they put her back with my unit while I was still in the gym bymyself with these girls? she followed me around the entire time staring menacingly at me, this girl wanted round 2!!! My coworker who is her regular teacher told me just to not show her fear?!?

So anyways I watched the video a few times at work (cant record it or share cuz HIPAA) and my boss goes on about how this could have been prevented if I had run faster. bahahaha

TL;DR: I work in a mental health institution and got dragged by my hair at work by a psychotic teenage girl bc I didnt ‘run from her fast enough’