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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/LilGill18bb on 2025-03-20 14:13:16+00:00.
I’m so vexed right now. I was sent an obituary this morning from my mother and grandmother. My grandmothers sister passed away a couple weeks ago. She was also my dad’s godmother so it’s hitting him a bit hard especially since he lost his dad a couple years before. I contacted my boss and told them I am taking a mental health day to be with family. My boss threatened to write me up and stated that they still need me at work today. I already have a new job lined up and plan to hand in my two weeks on Monday. What makes me upset’s is I’m not asking for bereavement or payment for my day off. I know I can’t ask for that anyways because she is not a spouse, child, or parent. It makes me seriously mad that in America you can’t take one day off to be with your family. Can’t wait to turn my two weeks in and leave retail forever.