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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/LazerCatFromSpace on 2025-03-20 16:56:50+00:00.

So I deliver things to businesses. Today, I was making a delivery and one of the workers came and opened my door when I pulled up. This is not the first time this has happened. I said to him in a low, polite tone, " I don’t want this to sound rude, but can you please not open my door, it makes me uncomfortable.". He rolled his eyes and went off on me telling me I was rude and had a chip on my shoulder and that he doesn’t know if I have personal problems or what, but that’s not his problem. I was shaking and crying by the time I left. I immediately called my boss while I was crying and gave him the short version. When I got back, he asked me what happened and let me tell my whole side. Apparently the worker called my boss and told him some version of what happened. All my boss could say is , well they’re customers… 🙄 Why does that give them the right to open my door or talk to me like crap? Ugh Thanks for letting me vent.