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The original was posted on /r/2westerneurope4u by /u/frex18c on 2025-03-21 15:30:21+00:00.

You know who I am talking about. Why is it so hard to get rid of them? Everyone hates them, they do not get honest work, instead they only focus on banking or jewelry. They are rich but do not have any morals, human decency or even a smallest bit of honor. In European history there were multiple attempts to get rid of them, but none successful even though there is no one in Europe who likes them. Certain Austrian painter wanted to get rid of them and called them “the most disgusting people” and “mortal enemies of the new Germany”. Arab dictators like Qaddafi also tried to offer solutions to finally get rid of them. But no, we still have to suffer them. Is there anyone who will finally come with a way to remove Switzerland?