This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/dataisbeautiful by /u/justifiable187 on 2025-03-22 15:52:47+00:00.


This map shows the average date past which the chances that the temperature will remain above freezing for the rest of the season are higher than the chances of return to freezing temperatures. On average, the last freeze of the season across most of the United States occurs after the first day of spring. The U.S. Climate Normals provide the average chances for freezing temperatures for each day of the year at thousands of U.S. locations.

Click the dots to see the average date on which the chance of freezing temperatures drops below 50 percent across the United States, based on the U.S. Climate Normals from 1991–2020. Places where that date occurs near the official start of spring are colored white. Places where the last freezing date occurs before the start of spring on average are in the shades of purple, and places where the last spring freeze occurs after the start of spring on average are colored green. Map by, based on data provided by NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.