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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Busy-Election on 2023-09-01 04:16:14.
Not looking for medical advice. But can anybody PLEASE tell me if this has happened to you? Sorry it’s kinda long, on mobile as well.
July 9th, I had the typical ovarian cyst rupture symptoms. I had no idea I had one so it was pretty scary. It took several tries in urgent care and ERs to get an answer, and I was diagnosed with a 5.1cm hemorrhagic ovarian cyst, free fluid in my pelvis. The pain dulled a little, but never stopped. Saw my women’s clinic NP for a follow up, she wanted to wait and see if it resolved itself. She also advised that if it ruptured (didnt it already? Idk) to wait and see if the pain passes after an hour before seeking medical care (!) This didnt sit well with me, but I’m not a medical provider. So we waited, and my follow up was set for September 20th.
Over this past weekend, I had sudden heavy bleeding out of nowhere (just got off my period the week before, and they are never this heavy), and my pain slightly picked up. Since the pain wasn’t terrible, I just took OTCs and decided to continue to “wait and see”. Google said bleeding was normal, and I really didnt want to spend hours waiting in the ER again and being questioned if it was just my period. By Monday I was pale and shaking and my coworkers expressed concern, so I called my NP. They wanted me in next morning for an ultrasound. Next morning ultrasound is done and I’m told NP will call with results. I started getting really nauseous, and my pain continued to come in stronger waves, but didn’t feel like a rupture. So I kept waiting. NP calls today and said “Good news! Your cyst has fully resolved itself!” When I asked how it could be fully resolved with me having all these symptoms still, I was asked if I could have a UTI. No, this doesn’t feel remotely like a UTI. Could I be pregnant? No, I can’t have sex without pain, so I’m not getting it on at all. “Well that’s good bc your ultrasound doesnt show youre pregnant either” (So why ask?!?!?!?) At that point, she just said “well if it gets worse, you can just go back to the ER”
I know I need a second opinion. I called another clinic and am scheduled for next week. But this whole thing has made me feel crazy. There’s “nothing wrong with me” but I’m always in pain, have been moderately bleeding outside my usual period for nearly week, can hardly eat and hardly sleep. Nothing has improved. Can a cyst go away and symptoms remain for awhile?
I’m just so frustrated. And exhausted. My therapist has been great through this all and advised to go back to an ER after the call today for a faster second opinion, but I can’t tell if I really should or if I’d just be wasting resources and taking a bed from someone more in need. And I don’t think I can handle being told there’s nothing wrong again.
So yeah. Anyone deal with this and get any sort of results?