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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Sad_Language_1320 on 2023-07-03 19:50:18+00:00.

My parents host a bqq for the 4th. I paid for all of the meat and fixings. My mom made the sides and my sil made dessert of strawberry shortcake, peach cobbler and blackberry cobbler.

My mom invited some extended family and we haven’t even got to the desserts yet because my sil was going to reheat the cobblers in the oven before serving. I get in the kitchen and half of each dessert it gone and I see my cousin grabbing leftovers meats and she’s heading out the door. This party was supposed to last at least a few more hours of just setting around and shooting the shit. I stopped my cousin and told her to put the food back. My SIL comes in upset like wth? The cobbler is ruined for everyone because she left the crust on top undercooked so when she put it back into the oven to reheat it. So she’s yelling at my cousin who didn’t bring one single thing to the cook out other than her greedy self.

My cousin started in on the tear fest on how she’s a single mom of 4 and how she’s heading to work soon so he kids (who didn’t come) had to eat. She’s literally taking half the food for 4 kids that was supposed to feed almost 2 dozen people. I told her to leave the food and go. Instead she dumps the plates of food on the ground so now no one can eat it. My SIL started crying at this and my cousin yelled at her for playing the victim when she left. I’m awkwardly comforting my SIL until my brother comes in because my cousin yelled at our grandma about hospitality.

My aunt and her family left after that and my mom is upset with me that I should have just let my cousin take the food to avoid all of this drama. I didn’t think I was in the wrong because who takes half of the dessert before we even put them out. Everyone is acting upset at my SIL and me (other than my brother) for just not keeping the peace of the party.