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The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/jrvl1976 on 2023-07-05 00:43:46+00:00.

Yesterday I tried to buy a VPS server at Hetzner and I couldn’t even complete the registration, they blocked the account. Today I tried to buy a server at IONOS, I paid via PayPal and they blocked the account right after… I’m from Brazil, could it be that they don’t want to work with Brazil? I have used Media Temple since 2008 until now that it has migrated to GoDaddy, I have two medium sites in Brazil. Disappointed with these companies!

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    European VPS are really hard to work with it. And the most insignificant suspicion the system trigger they will start ask you for an ID with your face. Some recommendations so you dont get your account blocked : use an email from big providers outlook , gmail, etc. Also use a real phone and try to use your real name too.