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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/Choice_Evidence1983 on 2024-03-21 05:02:01.

I am NOT OOP. OOP is u/Chimney4684, now deleted

Originally posted to r/amiwrong

My wife told me I’m replaceable

Editor’s Note: all texts and some comments were saved before they were deleted*

Trigger Warnings: heart attack, mentions of accusations of infidelity, possible spousal neglect


Original Post - January 28, 2024

I (30M) have been married to my wife (29F) for two years, and we have known each other for six. A few weeks ago, we had an argument, and during our disagreement, she told me that I am replaceable. After our argument, she went out with her friends. I have been dealing with some health problems for a while, and the argument stressed me out, leaving me nervous and unwell. I was alone in the house and decided to call the paramedics because I felt that something was really wrong. To sum up, I suffered a heart attack.

In the hospital, they tried to reach my wife, but she didn’t respond, likely still upset from our argument. She called later, after coming home, when she found out that I’m not there. After learning of my condition, she came to see me and stayed with me the entire time, constantly crying and holding my hands. After being sent home, she did everything so I could recover faster. However, despite her efforts, I couldn’t stop thinking about how she had told me that I’m replaceable. I constantly think about it, I want to confront her about it, but I don’t think I’m ready.

I’m trying to understand why context matters. In what way or situation is it acceptable to call your partner replaceable? The audacity to even say something like that is beyond me.

I will answer some things here:

• We have no children • I have genetic health problems, external factors also contributed to my problems • I have higher salary then her, so I mostly pay the bills or buy things for our home • I mostly cook and clean, she does it to but mostly me, It’s not 50-50, more like 60-40 • She isn’t actively trying to kill me, I hope so at least • I don’t know if she has a fuck buddy

Let’s also address the elephant in the room. We had argument about our house, some issues with it, after that we also discussed our priorities, careers and intimacy. At one point discussion was replaced by her venting and saying things not even related to original discussion. I had no issues with her ranting about things until she told me that I’m replaceable.

That was the end of conversation. I no longer wanted to talk. She finds my silence terrifying but she didn’t stay in the house for long after argument. I don’t know when she came home, I woke up in the hospital and she was there. She kept crying and holding my hands. She didn’t speak much, she couldn’t.

On the side note, some people in this comment section have some issues themselves, like some of the comments are just wild, horrifying.


I’ve decided to separate for a month. We will go to a counselor and speak maybe 1-2 times a week. If she cares about me, she will accept it and do everything she can to improve our relationship and marriage. If she starts playing around, going out on dates, or if I suspect her of cheating, I will end it. There won’t be any forgiveness or second chances. I will make an update post sometime in the future. So many of you reached out and offered support and advice. I think the least I can do is provide you with the update. Thank you all very much.

Top Comments - Editor’s Note: top comments are from the same user below

Comment #1


My husband once said to me:

“Wives are replaceable. Mothers are not. Mom will always win.”

Within the year our nine-year marriage collapsed.

The context was finding out how deeply involved his mother was in our marriage, arguments, decisions, etc. We were not arguing, but having a discussion about how it wasn’t right to basically have a third person in the marriage, that it was between the two of us. The way I found out was during a discussion about investments we had made, I got up from the table we were talking at, and found his phone on the counter, with “MOM” showing on screen. He’d called her and had her listen in to our discussion, so he could take it to her after we were done. I disconnected the call without comment, and she called back immediately.

He vehemently disagreed that it wasn’t right, and made that statement to me, basically stating that it was he and his mom against me, and I’d always lose. While she was still on the phone listening in.

It was like a gut punch. It opened my eyes to a lot of little things that eventually led to filing for divorce. He was stunned. His mom called me immediately and said: “You can’t do that!” Well, yes I can. And did.

As a petty move, I served his mother the divorce papers at the same time, so she could ‘be involved’ in the divorce lol. $50 well spent in my opinion! She came to our hearing and was so vocal about what she thought was right or wrong, that the judge ordered her out of the court room lol.

He’s her full-time problem now. They’ve been living together since the separation and she’s miserable about it. They deserve each other.

Comment #2

Commenter 2

Jesus. Sounds like a giant mama’s boy. Nothing wrong with being close to parent/family. But this is some co dependency shit. I’m surprised you never saw any signs early in the relationship.


I did not. His mom was overseas for two years when I met him. When we got married, I’d met her four times, since she traveled all the time. She was newly retired and ready to see the world, which I thought was very cool.

I really liked her as a mother in law, thought she was interesting and fun to chat with or visit.

About two years before our split, things changed. She lived on the opposite coast from us, so we weren’t seeing her but twice a year. But all of a sudden it was “Mom said…” and “Mom thinks…” ALL THE TIME.

Then he was using her opinion on things too, such as when we went to buy a car. I was hearing “Mom researched this one and says…” “Mom said that dealership has bad reviews…” and I’m thinking “Why is Mom a part of so many of our conversations?” and “How does Mom know about this?”.

You heard how it all ended lol

But no, not really. It wasn’t until about two or so years toward the end that they got this weird thing going.

Comment #3


It was…interesting.

First, she actually thanked me for serving her the papers lol. That was totally a bitch move on my part, but she called to say thank you, so she’d know what was what in the divorce. I didn’t serve her anything else, just the initial summons.

In the courtroom she told the judge she’d been “subpoenaed” to testify lol. That’s how she saw it! But she also kept telling the judge he had the law wrong, loudly declared things “UNFAIR!”, interrupted court personnel, wanted her name and address on file for further notifications from the court and so on.

The judge finally called her and was exquisitely sarcastic. It’s been a long time so I do not remember exact words, but it was along the lines of “Ma’am, while it is obvious to myself and other members of the court that you have a vested interested in the outcome of this dissolution, and a vague understanding of court room procedure, your knowledge of the law is sorely lacking. Along with your ability to show respect. At this time I’m asking the bailiff to escort you to the bench outside the doors, and if we are in need of your legal knowledge we shall call for your assistance.”

Like I said, I don’t remember the EXACT words, but that isn’t far off lmao. It took me a minute to realize what had happened because the judge was so courteous, respectful, with his voice sounding as if she meant everything to him.

While telling her to GTFO! I wish I had mad skills like that! lol

Comment #4


There is more in the thread. I do relate the court room, the judge removing her.

On Reddit you never know what is going to ‘grab’ people. I am so surprised at the response to this long ago event. I never expected this much response!

You can write a well thought out, articulate comment and…nothing. Dash off a little memory sparked by the word “replaceable” and…wow!

Honestly I’m not really up to date on how they are doing now. Through word of mouth I know they still live together, even moved to Florida at some point. I know she’s very unhappy about it, and that just makes me giddy sometimes lol. I really liked her as a MIL until all this started, but she brought this on. Everyone is saying he was a mama’s boy, but he really wasn’t. She lived in Germany for the first two years of our marriage, and even when she came back to the US we only saw her twice a …

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