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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/NoNarwhal5719 on 2023-08-09 21:52:18.

Hello reddit.

For the past two weeks I’ve been at my dads. My older sister is, like, super into decor. She went to college for home design and has slowly been redoing our house for our mom. She’s paying for it all so everyone has been super grateful.

When I came back from my dads she told me she had a surprise for me. I was pretty nervous - I hate surprises. Like, more than your average person.

She took me upstairs and my room has been redecorated. I had a little bit of a screaming breakdown. I hate it so much.

I have collections and everything was organised, she’s moved it all. She even got rid of some of my stuff. I had a really firm mattress and she’s replaced it with a memory foam one. I used to have carpets and dark walls and now I have wood floors and every thing is like a really vibrant blue.

I mean, its probably a nice room if youre not me. I just freaking hate it. My bed is uncomfortable, my floor is cold, my walls hurt my eyes and none of my things are where they’re supposed to be.

My mom kinda ushered everyone out when I was freaking out and came back in when I was calmer. She told me my behaviour was unacceptable and that I needed to apologise.

I did and then slept on the couch that night. The morning after my sister tried to act like nothing had happened but I was still really annoyed. She then said “Aren’t you going to say thank you?”

I told her “No, I hate it and I hate you for changing it.”

It was extreme but I cant explain how awful the room made me feel. My mom was annoyed and yelled a bit so I ended up calling my dad whose now pissed as fuck. He and my mon hate each other so now everyone is just angry and I don’t really know what was my fault and what wasn’t.

I’ve been slowly moving my collections to his house and now he’s coming so I can move the remaining ones fully.

Anyway, the house has been tense as all hell since. I haven’t apologised to my sister and she’s really hurt. I feel a little bad, but not really.

Am I the asshole? I feel like I was a little justified but she was just trying to be nice.